Throwing new spices into the mix

Just landed: Sun Dried Tomato Powder & Bourbon Vanilla Bean Powder

With the addition of these two, we now have 33 products in our range of single origin spices! Just like the rest of our pantry, these spices are of the highest quality - sustainably sourced from small holder farmers as we continue our quest to revive artisanal farming methods around the world.

Don’t be alarmed if you’ve never used these products before, here we share everything you need to know about where they come from and how to use them in your cooking.

At BoTree, we want to inspire you to switch up your cooking game, that’s why we keep bringing in new exotic flavours!

Sun Dried Tomato Powder

What is Sun Dried Tomato Powder?

It has a subtle yet powerful umami flavour, like a paprika without the heat. It is made from a special tomato variety grown for its depth of flavour and reduced sweetness that produces a well dried powder with a tangy kick.

Where does Sun Dried Tomato Powder come from?

These tomatoes are grown by a network of smallholder farmers in the Aegean region in Turkey. The tomatoes are picked from the field, washed, sliced in half, then laid out to dry in the sun on wide sheets, where they lose up to 95% of their weight. This intense drying process creates a very fine powder when ground.

How to use Sun Dried Tomato Powder?

Sauté the powder with aromatics like onions or garlic, use as a garnish on roasted vegetables or add to rubs for grilled meats. sprinkle over mozzarella or a caprese salad.

Ideal for making homemade tomato paste (2 parts powder to 1 part water) or tomato sauce (1 part tomato powder to 6 parts water).

If you find yourself thinking, "this needs something” this is the answer!

Pure Bourbon Vanilla Beans

What are Bourbon Vanilla Beans?

Not your run-of-the-mill vanilla extract or paste, this vanilla bean powder consists of whole vanilla pods that have been cured, dried and finely ground. The powder is packed with vanilla flavour without the alcoholic harshness that you often find in vanilla extracts.

Where do Bourbon Vanilla Beans come from?

Sustainably sourced beans from small village farms in Sava region of Northern Madagascar that are reviving artisanal farming methods.

How to use Bourbon Vanilla Beans

Add to: Desserts, adds sweetness and depth to fruit salads, stews, marinades and vinaigrettes.

We especially like using it in whipped cream and custard bases, where it won't dissolve but continue to infuse flavour as it sits, with visible subtle flecks characteristic of vanilla bean.

Replace 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract with 1/2 a teaspoon of Vanilla Bean Powder

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