The finest peppercorn sauce with BoTree Kampot Pepper by FreshSauce


We have partnered with the amazing foodies at Fresh Sauce Co to create the best peppercorn sauce ever with, of course, the finest pepper in the world: Kampot pepper.

Victoria and Mark, Fresh Sauce Co’s founders, are passionate cooks who make sauces using only great ingredients and carefully prepared in small batches in their sauce kitchen. They use no substitutes and don’t compromise: just great ingredients for their sauces.

Why Fresh Sauce chose BoTree:

“We just love BoTree's pepper. It has an intense distinctive flavour with that fresh feel because it's been vacuum packed before it leaves the farm ensuring that it arrives as fresh as the day it left them. When we met Peter and the team at Taste of London it felt like a no brainer to team up and do a sensational peppercorn sauce.”

How to use FreshSauce’s Peppercorn sauce

Cook your steak and set aside to rest. In the steak pan put the peppercorn sauce base, add 150ml single cream (or creme fraiche if you want a lighter option). Bring to a simmer, add water to make sauce looser if you need to. Pour over freshly rested steak. And.. enjoy!

Further ideas to make the most of the sauce, include following Mary Berry’s instructions to cook your steak to perfection. But you can also choose to use the sauce for a delicious plate of mushroom pasta or even try it with some tofu.

Get it directly from Fresh Sauce Co by clicking here. Use the code BOTREE to get 20% off!

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