Shichimi Togarashi 7 Spice 45g

Shichimi Togarashi 7 Spice 45g
Developed in Edo (Modern Day Tokyo), Japan over the past 400 years. These spice cultivators and craftsman have been able to refine farming practices and proprietary blending ratios that would make their ancestors proud. This blend is a pillar of this revered cuisine.
Add to: Chilli’s, stews & casseroles, any meats, prawns, noodles, raman soups
Further seasoning wisdom:
Shichimi Togarashi is a fundamental 7-spice blend with tremendous history and importance throughout Japanese cuisine and represents the history and cultural refinement of their cooking.
The seven prized ingredients that make up Shichimi Togarashi are Bansho Chili Pepper, Chimpi Japanese Mandarin Orange, Goma Toasted Black Sesame, Otane Hemp Seed, Shiso Japanese Basil, Sansho Chili Pepper and Byakukyo Japanese Ginger.
The aroma is highlighted by the warmth given off by the chilies and the floral essence of the mandarin orange. The clean spicy flavors of the dried peppers standout, but are balanced with toasted black sesame, hemp seed and herbal characteristics of the dried shiso. The ginger is also a welcomed addition to this blend.