Wild Annatto Seeds 60g

Wild Annatto Seeds 60g
Our wild annatto seeds have a mild, pleasant vegetal flavor, reminiscent of carrots or beets. When raw, they have a heady menthol aroma. The seeds are valued for their natural red colour, which makes them a perfect addition to chili, risotto and other rice dishes and baked goods like red velvet cake.
Add to: Chilli, Risotto & Rice dishes marinades and rubs.
Further seasoning wisdom:
Our wild annatto seeds grow on large, leafy trees in the cloud forests of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. The seeds are contained in large, oblong seeds pods that emerge after the pollination of a beautiful pink flower. The pods are picked by hand and dried in the sun, and the deep red, waxy seeds are extracted from the husk.
They are the key ingredient in many traditional Latin American dishes like cochinita pibil, an ancient pork preparation that involves wrapping the meat in banana leaves with a spicy annatto sauce and cooking it underground for many hours.
Our wild annatto seeds are much higher in essential oil content than regular annatto, which means the colour incorporates into your recipes much more easily. They can be used whole or ground.